Wolfeton Riding House Trust
Charity 1187095
Chair: Mr. P.S. Dangerfield
Peter was born in the West Country but spent his
working life in the London auction houses, first at .
Sotheby's and then at Christie's before retiring to
West Dorset. He is committed to the conservation
of our heritage and greatly enjoys being active in
the life of the village.
Mr. A.M.R. Lumby, F.R.I.C.S.
Antony is a widely respected senior land agent who, as prevous Chair of the Trust,
led the herculean task of securing the funding for the restoration of the Riding House
and the subsequent successful building and restoration work.
The Hon J.H.T. Russell, F.C.A.
Johnnie farms in West Dorset and during restoration work research revealed that
the stone for the Riding House had come from his land. Some four hundred years later,
the quarry was reopened and the stone for restoration was a gift from him to the Trust.
The Trustees are grateful to have the advice of Mr R.J.A. Edwards, F.C.A. on financial matters and of Mr. P. Hughes, M.R.I.C.S. on architectural and conservation matters.
The Hon Mrs. C.A. Townshend, D.L.
Charlotte is a landowner whose responsibilities include such famous Dorset landmarks as the magical Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens, the world-famous Abbotsbury Swannery and the unique Chesil Beach.
Mr. T.J. Yarker
Tim is a former senior Royal Navy officer and business consultant who has been active as a
councillor at both parish and district level. He lives at the historic heart of the village.